Our organisational structure

How we fit into the NHS

NEAS became a Foundation Trust in November 2011.

NHS Foundation Trusts were created to allow decisions to be made by local organisations and communities which are free from central government control and able to decide how best to spend a Trust’s income based on the needs of the local community. 

This means we’re still part of the NHS, but we’re locally run and accountable to patients and staff rather than central government.

Managing the Trust

The management of the Trust is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, working in close partnership with the Council of Governors.

The Council of Governors is made up of elected public governors, staff governors and appointed governors, and they represent the interests of Trust members and those of the many partner organisations we work with across the region.

Trust members can vote for public governors and influence the way the Trust operates, and Foundations Trusts are fully accountable to them.

Our Board

Our Trust Board is made up of 15 members – six executive directors (including our Chief Executive), seven non-executive directors and two directors.

The Trust Board meets frequently throughout the year and their role is to:

  • Establish our NEAS values and standards and ensure that these are upheld throughout the Trust
  • Provide active leadership of NEAS
  • Set the Trust’s strategic direction and aims, ensuring that both financial and human resources are in place
  • Monitor and review management performance.

The Board also plays a key role in maintaining effective dialogue between the Trust and the local community on performance and future plans. 

The Trust's Directorate structure 

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Governance & regulation

Each Foundation Trust has its own governance structure, which is set out in the Trust’s Constitution and published on NHS Improvement's website.  

NHS Improvement is the regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts and makes sure they are well managed and governed so they can deliver excellent healthcare for patients.  The Constitution defines how the Trust will operate.   

Find out more

To learn more about how Foundation Trusts fit into the modern NHS structures in England, you can watch this short video, which is made by the King's Fund.

You can also find out more about how our services fit into the urgent and emergency care system in England by watching this additional short video, also made by the King's Fund.