
Working with you to help protect the most vulnerable people in our communities

NEAS has a responsibility to report any incident where there are grounds to suggest that a vulnerable adult or child is at risk of suffering abuse or where there are concerns about an individual's circumstances.

Our safeguarding policies

NEAS introduced Safeguarding Policies and Procedures in July 2006.  These policies have been developed in collaboration with specialists in the Safeguarding arena.  Our policies offer a process and practice guidance to allow staff to raise concerns, which are then reported to the appropriate agency, usually social care, to consider the level of assessment and support that may be needed.

NEAS Safeguarding Children Policy

NEAS Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy

All staff receive safeguarding training. The level of training depends on their role and the amount of contact they have with children and vulnerable adults, in line with the national clinical guideline programme. The programme stipulates that:

  • Safeguarding training is part of the corporate induction programme.
  • All operational Emergency Care Service (ECS) and Patient Transport Service (PTS) staff receive classroom training for safeguarding adults and children.

It is not our role to investigate concerns, but to ensure that these concerns are passed to the relevant agency to take the appropriate action.

Our Safeguarding Structure is made up of the following roles:

  • Named Professional for Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups - Adults
  • Named Professional for Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups - Children
  • Safeguarding Officer
  • Safeguarding Administrator

The Director of Nursing & Quality has the lead responsibility for Safeguarding.

NEAS works with all adult and children's safeguarding boards in response to notifications of serious case reviews. All recommendations and action plans are monitored within the Trust. NEAS also continues to engage with children's boards in respect of unexpected death process. NEAS submits reports to the respective Child Death Overview Panels (CDOP) following involvement in an unexpected child death.

NEAS also has well established links with the Safeguarding Leads in the other English ambulance services. The meetings are held quarterly, and this allows the sharing of ideas, good practice and benchmarking opportunities.

If you think someone is suffering abuse, you should:

  1. Assess the situation and try to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the individual.
  2. If you think emergency services are needed, call 999 immediately.
  3. If the situation is not an emergency, call your Local Authority Social Care Services.

If someone tells you that they are being abused, you should:

  • Remain calm and try not to show any shock or disbelief.
  • Listen very carefully to what you are being told.
  • Be sympathetic and acknowledge regret and concern that this is happening to them.
  • Assure them you are treating the information seriously.
  • Explain that you need to report the situation.

Although it may be a shock to you, there are some things you should avoid:

  • Don't stop someone who is freely recalling significant events.
  • Don't ask detailed questions or press the person into giving more information.
  • Don't promise to keep the situation a secret or make promises you are unable to keep.
  • Don't be judgmental.
  • Don’t disturb any evidence - such as changing the person’s clothes.

Although it may feel like a big step to take, it’s always best to act when you genuinely suspect abuse. It could make a big difference to someone’s life.

If you happen to be wrong, you can feel confident that you did the right thing for the right reasons. 

For more advice and information, follow the relevant links below:




Age UK
Social care institute for excellence

Learning Disabilities


Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Abuse Services in Newcastle
Walking on Eggshells campaign
Men's advice line
Women's Aid

Alcohol treatment

Rehab 4 Alcoholism is a helpline for people experiencing addiction. This helpline aims to stop addiction before it becomes too late.
Tel: 0800 111 4108